Thursday, May 10, 2012

A Win For Berlin

Online Charity Auction
Meet Berlin: She's a charming little girl with a beautiful smile, a shining countenance and a debilitating disease. You see Berlin has Osteogenesis Imperfecta -- Brittle Bone Disease.

Berlin was born with Brittle Bone Disease and though she's only seven she already knows what it feels like to have a broken arm, leg, and fractured vertebra -- repeatedly. But you'd never know by speaking with her that her life is anything but normal. Even when Berlin's slowly making her way across campus with her mobility walker, she always has a bright smile, and will shout out to friends and parents of friends with a warm welcome and a friendly wave.

But Berlin isn't walking these days. You see, she recently fell and ended up in the hospital where it was discovered she'd re-fractured her Tibia – the main bone in her lower leg – and a pin from a previous surgery had shifted through the bone. That shift means that Berlin can't walk until she has surgery. Due to lack of insurance coverage, they treated the new fracture and sent her home, denying her the needed surgery.

Every day children right here in America go without needed medical care, and it breaks my heart. Every Day. I pray today is not going to be Berlin's day to go without treatment.

With the help of some incredibly generous members of the writing community and local businesses an online auction has been created. Beginning Friday, May 11, at 1:00pm PST, simply go to, enter A Win For Berlin in the search field (or click here!!) and start bidding on the great gifts and services donated by Award Winning and Bestselling authors, artists, and local businesses.

You'll find everything from signed books to “Meet and Greets” with your favorite authors and artists, and a wide array of everything in between. In addition, we'll have some great items up for bid from local businesses.

Don't see anything you want to bid on? No problem, keep checking back for new auctions to be added over the next week or check out one of our donation auctions.

I want to thank Virginia Nelson for allowing me to hijack her blog, today. As my daughter says: “Girl Power Rules!” And to Brenda Novak for her Auction For A Cure to Juvenile Diabetes: You are an incredible inspiration. Thank you.


  1. How heartbreaking it is that we don't offer children like Berlin adequate health care. Thanks so much for making us aware of this, Julieanne. And thank you, Virginia, for having this on your blog.


  2. Agreed and happy that I was given a chance to help :)
