Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Kindle the fire...

So I am impatiently awaiting the shipment of my Kindle...

By impatient I mean to say I am dancing eagerly by the door like a puppy who has been left alone all day and thinks it has been a lifetime since it has seen another living being.

I have been impulsively ordering books for the thing. I mean, I know. I can read them on here. But I don't have the time.

Yeah. No.

I have been working overtime at work and with book stuff I have been busy. Not to mention, you know, the whole three kids who have issues thing.

Um. Time consuming.

And I have to sleep sometimes.

But the Kindle will read to me. While I drive. All the books I do not have time to read because I am working. Or driving. Or writing.

I wonder if I can write and read at the same time?

Probably not but it would be super cool if I could.

Probably that would take too many brain functions. Probably bad since I still haven't mastered the walk/chew bubblegum thing.

But I can drive and eat and give fantastic commentary. My steering wheel is fascinated.

Have a readerific day.

1 comment:

  1. ... I tried that once, listening while writing... I wrote one random line from what I had been listening to and got so upset at myself that I trashed the whole thing... haven't done it since. However, One wonderful thing I found is listening to it while you do you re-mail or blogs or take care of house work etc. My local library had audio books in mp3 players they loan and those are what I use. Congrats on the Kindle!
